Parking Restrictions

Forbes Shire Council manages parking in the local area to balance the needs of residents, businesses, travellers, shoppers and others. Find further details below about parking in the Forbes.
Time limits
Time limits are necessary because they allow us to make sure everybody has a fair chance to find the right park for their purpose. Council realises the need for review of key parking areas within the area. Strategy is developed to:
- deliver a better balance of parking space for residents, businesses, shoppers, commuters and others;
- maximise the parking space already in place and deliver new appropriate space; and
- manage changing parking needs over time.
Accessible parking
Council provides accessible public parking for people with a disability throughout the local government area and monitors its usage. Residents can also apply for an on street accessible parking space outside their residential address (conditions apply).
Accessible Parking Spaces
If you hold a Mobility Parking Scheme Permit issued by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), you can park for an unlimited period of time in Council's Resident Parking Scheme areas and you have access to a number of other concessions. We are currently working on a map of accessible parking spaces in main street areas.
Appling for an Accessibility Parking Space
Mobility Parking Scheme Permit holders can apply for an accessible parking space, subject to conditions. Please note that these spaces are not reserved for private use, anyone with an RMS-issued Mobility Parking Scheme Permit may also use these spaces. If you wish to proceed please allow a minimum of ten (10) weeks to process this application. The application must be reported to the Local Traffic Committee for approval and subsequently reported to the next available Council Meeting.
Parking Fines
Paying Fines
Revenue NSW receipts and processes infringement notices and
fines (e.g. parking) issued by Council officers. For full and up-to-date
information on fines, penalties, infringement notices and payment options
contact Revenue NSW.
Reviewing an Infringement
We understand that sometimes people may believe that an infringement was issued incorrectly or unfairly. Revenue NSW adjudicates and administers all infringement notices and fines for Council. This means that only Revenue NSW can waive fines. Revenue NSW also acknowledges that under certain circumstances, a person may have grounds to request a review of the issuing of a parking infringement. For more information visit the Revenue NSW website Revenue NSW.
Abandoned Vehicles
Council receives over 500 reports of abandoned vehicles each year. Vehicles that have been parked on a public street and which have not moved for a period of 60 days or more may be abandoned.
How to report an abandoned vehicle
Only vehicles with expired or no registration can be reported.
- You can carry out a free vehicle registration check online through Service NSW
- Provide exact details of vehicle and how long it has been parked at the location
- Ensure reported vehicle is on public land and not on private property
- Ensure the vehicle is not already displaying an abandoned vehicle sticker
What happens next?
Council's Ranger Services team will:
- Check whether the vehicle is registered and/or stolen
- Attempt to contact the last known owner to move the vehicle
- Regularly monitor and assess the vehicle until contact is made with the owner
- May impound and/or remove the vehicle
- The investigation and impounding/removal process can take up to 60 business days for the whole process.
General Parking Rules
You must not stop your vehicle (that is, bring it to a stop and either stay with the vehicle or leave it parked) in the following circumstances:
- Double parked (that is in the road alongside a car that is parked)
- On or across a driveway or footpath
- On a median strip or traffic island
- On motorways
- In a clearway
- On footpaths and nature strips
- In a safety zone or within 10 metres before or after a safety zone
- Within an intersection
- In a slip lane
- Within 20 metres of an intersecting road at an intersection with traffic lights unless a sign allows you to park there
- Within 1 metre of another vehicle parked in front or behind (does not apply when angle parking)
- Within 10 metres of an intersecting road at an intersection without traffic lights unless:
- A sign allows you to park there or
- The intersection is a T-intersection without traffic lights, where you
are permitted to stop along the continuous side of the continuing road.
Parking and traffic rules in school zones
You need to take extra care when driving and parking in
school zones. Make sure that you and your child understand the road
rules. If you break the traffic rules in a school zone you are putting not only
your child but other children at risk. The parking and traffic rules
around our schools are there to protect your children. If you break the rules
you will be fined. Please choose safety over convenience.
You cannot stop in a NO STOPPING zone for any reason (including queuing or waiting for a space). |
Keeps clear sight lines between drivers and children/pedestrians. |
$300 |
(School Zone)
2 |
You can stop in a NO PARKING zone for a max. of two minutes to drop off and pick up passengers. If no spaces are available you cannot queue on the road way or in any other zones while waiting for a space. You will need to drive away and park elsewhere, only returning when there is space to pull up. You must stay within 3 metres of your vehicle at all times and cannot leave your vehicle unattended.
Provides a safe place for children/pedestrian set down and pick up. |
$183 |
(School Zone)
2 |
You must not stop or park in a BUS ZONE for any reason (including queuing or waiting for a space) unless you are driving a bus. If times are shown on the sign, you are not allowed to stop during those times.
Provides a safe place for large buses to set down and pick up school children. |
$330 |
(School Zone)
2 |
You must not stop on or within 20 metres before a PEDESTRIAN CROSSING or 10 metres after a crossing unless there is a control sign permitting parking.
So drivers can clearly see pedestrians on the crossing. |
$439 |
(School Zone)
2 |
DOUBLE PARKING You must not stop on the road adjacent to another vehicle at any time even to drop off or pick up passengers. |
Double parking blocks visibility and forces other cars to go around you. |
$330 |
(School Zone)
2 |
You must not stop on any FOOTPATH or NATURE STRIP or even a DRIVEWAY crossing a footpath or nature strip for any reason. |
You could easily run over a child or force pedestrians onto the road to get around you. |
$183 |
(School Zone)
2 |
* The Demerit Points Scheme is a national program
that allocates penalty points (demerits) for a range of driving offences. A
driver who has not committed any offences has ’zero’ points. If you commit an
offence that carries demerit points, the points are added to your driving
record. If you incur the threshold number of demerit points within a three-year
period, a licence suspension or refusal is applied. If you incur the threshold number of demerit points within
a three-year period, a licence suspension or refusal is applied. The three-year
period is calculated between the dates the offences were committed. It ends on
the day your most recent offence was committed. For further information regarding demerit points please
visit Transport NSW Demerit Points