Access and Inclusion

Disability Inclusion Action Plan for Forbes

Forbes Shire Council is developing a new Disability Inclusion Action Plan for Forbes. 
The purpose of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan is to outline the actions Council will take to remove barriers and improve access for people with disability so they can participate in all areas of community life. 
Council's existing plan expired in 2022.

Community Consultation 
Between March and August 2023 Council will undertake community consultation to find out what priorities for the DIAP should be and what Council can do to make life easier for people with disabilities in Forbes.
The consultation will be guided by a working group made up of community members and members of council with a lived experience of disability, or those working in the disability sector.
During the consultation you will be able to:   
Complete the survey as either a community member or person working in the disability sector.

All of the information collected during the consultation will be used to inform the development of the new Disability Inclusion Action Plan.


The 2023 Disability Inclusion Action Plan surveys are now open for completion until 5pm on 30 June. There are two surveys, please choose the one which suits your circumstance. 

Scan the QR  Code to access the online survey:

QRCode for 2023 Disability Inclusion Action Plan Survey - Forbes Shire Council



 QRCode for Forbes Shire Council Disability Inclusion Access Plan Survey - Family, Carers and Providers


Alternatively, download a PDF copy of the survey to print and complete. A survey collection box can be found at Forbes Shire Council offices at 2 Court Street. 

Person living with a disability survey

Family member, carer or service provider survey  (PDF 1.2MB)

Thank you for having your say.

Purpose of collection

Council is collecting information from residents within the Forbes Local Government Area to inform the development of its Disabilities Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2027 (DIAP).

The DIAP is a requirement of the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 and guides improvements for people with disabilities in the Forbes Shire to ensure greater equity of access and inclusion to functions, facilities, services and information provided by Council.

This information is being collected through two anonymous surveys which seek the opinions of residents regarding various barriers to equity of access and inclusion (as defined within the Disability Inclusion Act 2014).

What information does this survey collect?

This survey does not collect any personal identifying information, it asks only for opinions and generalised biographical information, in accordance with Council’s requirements under the Disability Inclusion Act 2014.

This survey does not capture email addresses, phone numbers, names or addresses. Any personal identifying information that is provided, such as in free text fields, will be excluded from the data set on publication.

How Council uses or discloses this information

Council will use the information collected in this survey to develop its Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The data collected from this survey may be included for reporting, research and statistical purposes in accordance with the Data Management Plan for this project.

Council may disclose this information (as statistics) with other Agencies for the purpose of improving equity of access and inclusion for the community of Forbes.

What information are you required by law to provide to us?

Providing us with the requested information is not required by law. However, any information you choose to share with Council will assist Council in developing a DIAP for the Forbes Shire which addresses the specific barriers experienced by the community.