
Forbes Shire Council presents a vision and strategic planning framework to guide the growth and change in the Shire.

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 Sporting Field Master Plans

The Sporting Field Masterplans is the result of extensive community consultation, in accordance with the Recreation and Open Space Strategy. These masterplans provide a vision for the major sporting precincts in the Shire. 

For more information on the Sporting Field Masterplans, please contact Council's Manager Town Presentation on 02 6850 2300 or

 Botanical Gardens Masterplan  (PDF 1.5MB)

Grinstead Oval and South Circle Oval Masterplan  (PDF 1014KB)

Halpins Flat Masterplan  (PDF 848.5KB)

Stephan Field Masterplan  (PDF 1002.8KB)

Spooner Oval and Hughie Wilson Masterplan (PDF 3.6MB)

Lake Forbes Activation Plan The Lake Forbes Activation Plan is the result of extensive consultation with the community and represents the vision for Lake Forbes for the next 20 years from 2020.  The community highly values open space and the amenity it provides as well  as connection and interaction with their community.  Guiding principles for the design of this plan – expressed as values by the community are: 

Water – provide amenity for water based recreation

Exercise – provide opportunities for exercise

Eat – facilitate options for food and dining

Contemporary - update the lake with contemporary elements

Legible – well defined paths of travel

Variety – a variety of well vegetated spaces

Shade – provide shade

Access and Amenity.

The plan contains a list of ranked and costed projects and will be reviewed every 5 years to ensure the needs of the community are being met.

 Lake Forbes Activation Plan cover (PDF 95.5MB)
Gum Swamp Managment Plan The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines, directions and a framework for future management of Gum Swamp, Forbes. Gum Swamp Management Plan cover (PDF 2.8MB)
CBD Masterplan The Forbes CBD Masterplan identifies a series of actions which could be undertaken to enhance the economic viability, growth and marketability of the Forbes Town Centre. The Masterplan identifies key design initiatives to improve the overall liveability and competitive position of Forbes Shire within the Central West NSW. The Masterplan provides strategies that will improve, beautify and revitalise the Forbes CBD, analyses connectivity of areas that are underutilised, and provides a pathway to integrate tourism, art and cultural strategies into the CBD.

The CBD Masterplan is the result of extensive consultation with the community, the Forbes Business Chamber, industries and visitors and tourists of Forbes and will be delivered in a number of stages over future years.

 CBD Masterplan cover (PDF 16.3MB)

Templar St options (PDF 5.5MB)

Goldridge Estate Masterplan  Close to everything, yet miles away, Goldridge Estate gives you and your family a place to stretch out, a place to escape and a place to call home.

Superbly positioned on the outskirts of town, Goldridge Estate comprises of 221 very affordable lots ranging in size from 550sqm to over 5,000sqm, many of them with rural views.

If you are looking for a lifestyle that offers the best of everything, look no further than Goldridge Estate. It is the new Oasis, superbly situated on the edge of town, only 3.5km from the CBD yet far enough away to feel relaxed in your large backyard.

Goldridge Estate Masterplan(PDF 18MB)