Forbes Local Environment Plan
Forbes Shire Council Local Environmental Plan 2013 (LEP) is the statutory planning instrument for the Forbes Shire. The Forbes LEP 2013 details the specific zoning information relating to all land within the Forbes Shire, with the exception of the Bathurst Street area for which the Forbes Local Environmental Plan 1986 still applies, and regulates the type of development which is permissible within each zone.
Aims and Objectives
This plan aims to make local environmental planning provisions for land in Forbes in accordance with the relevant standard environmental planning instrument under section 33A of the Act. The particular aims of this Plan are as follows:
- To encourage and manage ecologically sustainable development in Forbes,
- To reinforce the existing urban character of Forbes as the urban focus,
- To reinforce the rural character of Forbes while promoting sustainable development,
- To protect the agricultural land of Forbes for continued agricultural production while allowing for planned expansion at the urban fringe,
- To promote Forbes as a premier tourist-destination building on its unique heritage and environmental attributes as well as sporting and leisure facilities,
- To protect, enhance and conserve the natural environment, including the Lachlan River, Lake Forbes, wetlands, native vegetation, environmentally sensitive land and other natural features that provide habitat for fauna and flora, provide scenic amenity and prevent or mitigate land degradation,
- To provide a range and variety of housing choices to cater for the different needs and lifestyles of residents.
Forbes Shire Council Local Environment Plan 2013
Forbes Shire Council Local Environment Plan 1986
Forbes Shire Council Local Environment Plan 2013 Maps