After your DA is approved

If your DA for building work is approved there are some more steps you must take before you can start to build.

1. Obtain a Construction Certificate; and
2. Appoint a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA).

What is a Construction Certificate ?
Any building, structural or civil work requires a Construction Certificate as well as development consent. A Construction Certificate certifies that your development complies with the Building Code of Australia (BCA), and that your plans and specifications are consistent with the development consent. Building works cannot commence until a valid construction certificate has been issued for the proposed building works. A construction certificate can be obtained from either Forbes Shire Council or a private accredited certifier.

Applying for a Construction Certificate
To obtain a Construction Certificate you must download the form and complete the checklist. Once complete, the form must be lodged by mail or in person at 2 Court Street, Forbes. Fees apply at this stage. Call us on 02 6850 2300 to find out which fees apply.  Council will accept an emailed version of the construction certificate application. Please email your application to with all relevant information attached.

Appointing a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA)
You must appoint a PCA for your project. The PCA will supervise the works on your site and will provide final completion certificates when your project is completed. You can appoint Forbes Council to be your PCA or you can appoint a Private Accredited Certifier. See the Building Professionals Board web page for more information on appointing a private certifier.

Guide to Construction Certificates
Construction Certificate Application Form