FAQ Disaster Information

Who do I call during an emergency for help during a Flood, Storm or Tsunami

For emergency help in floods and storm and Tsnuami’s, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In life threatening situations, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.

If the emergency relates to a bush fire refer to the NSW Rural Fire Service website www.rfs.nsw.gov.au


Where can I obtain sandbags?

NSW SES Forbes Unit provides sandbags to prepare for floods. The delivery option may be available if you cannot physically attend to fill your sandbags.   Call 132 500 to place a request for assistance (RFA).


Where will an evacuation centre be set up?

An evacuation centre will be set up at St Andrews Presbyterian Church for those unable to get to alternative accommodation with family or friends.[NH1][NH2]

Address: 11 Harold Street, Forbes NSW


Who is the emergency radio broadcaster?

ABC Central West NSW is the emergency broadcaster for Forbes NSW.

Frequency - 549AM

Website: ABC Central West


Can I volunteer in an emergency?

SES Australia: Volunteer with NSW SES | NSW State Emergency Service

NSW Rural Fire Service: Join the NSW RFS - NSW Rural Fire Service

St Vincent De Paul: Volunteer with us | St Vincent de Paul Society - Vinnies

Red Cross Australia: Volunteer with Red Cross | Australian Red Cross

The Salvation Army Australia: Volunteer with the Salvos | The Salvation Army Australia


How do I donate after a disaster?

Often the first instinct of people wishing to help is to donate “stuff”, however you cannot be sure of what is needed.  Storage of all the donated goods can be a problem for communities affected by a disaster such as a flood, and this can result in things being thrown out.

GIVIT is a government backed donations warehouse that can be used both to give and receive support.  Contact GIVIT if you have items or money that you want to donate.

If you wish to donate money during or after a flood, storm or tsnumai. This can be done via the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) Website www.ses.nsw.gov.au. The NSW SES will never ask for donations during an emergency personally and or via door knocking.


How do I register for SMS alerts when an emergency happens?

Subscribe to the Forbes Shire Council SMS Flood Warning System by sending your name and mobile phone number to communications@forbes.nsw.gov.au

Who can provide financial support after a disaster?

Please visit our Emergency Financial Provider page for financial support following the event of a disaster 


Who should I call when reporting a flood affected road or other road access issues?

Depending on the road location, please call your local council:

Forbes Shire Council – 6850 2300

Parkes Shire Council – 6861 2333

Cabonne Council – 6392 3200

Lachlan Council -6895 1900

Download the Hazards Near Me App: Hazards Near Me app | NSW Government to see which roads are affected in your area

hazard near me app


Is there material I can access to prepare for a disaster?



What should I do if flooding occurs?

Follow evacuation orders issued by local authorities.

NEVER walk or drive through floodwaters, as they can be deeper and faster-moving than they appear. Remember – if its flooded, forget it.

Stay informed through radio, TV, or official social media channels for updates and instructions:

What are the early warning signs of a flood?

Stay informed - Keep an eye on weather forecasts, especially during heavy rain periods

Monitor Conditions - For Weather, visit the Bureau of Meteorology: Australia's official weather forecasts & weather radar - Bureau of Meteorology (bom.gov.au)

Hazards Near Me App: Hazards Near Me app | NSW Government

Live traffic NSW – For flooded road closures - www.livetraffic.com

Monitor local news and updates from emergency services: ABC Central West NSW: ABC Central West


How can I prepare my home for a flood?

Create an emergency kit with essentials like non-perishable food, water, medications, flashlights, and batteries.

Elevate valuable items and appliances to higher levels within your home.

Secure important documents and insurance policies in a waterproof container.

 Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and shelters in your area.


What should I do to safeguard my family and pets?

Develop a family emergency plan, including a designated meeting point and communication strategy.

 Ensure all family members know how to turn off utilities like electricity, gas, and water.

Arrange for care of your animals in case of evacuation.


I have livestock - who can assist during a disaster?

The Central West Livestock exchange is a place of refuge for those with livestock who have no other option – conditions do apply 

Local Land Services is the lead agency for Stock in times of Emergency: 
Phone: 6850 1600
Website: Central West - Local Land Services (nsw.gov.au)


What should I do about insurance and financial matters?

  • Contact your insurance provider to file a claim as soon as possible.
  • Document damage with photographs and keep records of all expenses related to recovery.
  • Check for government assistance programs or relief funds available for flood victims.



Remember, safety is paramount before, during and after a disaster.
Always prioritise the well-being of yourself and your loved ones and follow guidance from local authorities at all times.
Do you have other questions about what to do in times of flood?  Contact communications @forbes.nsw.gov.au with your question and we will add the answer to this list of FAQs.
